På svenska!

Roots in Sweden? Don't know how to find them - or just too busy?

Don't worry - I'll help you! I've been doing research for about 35 years, a great deal of that for you Swedish-Americans. I have been teaching research in evening classes and done a lot of studying on the Finnish part of our history in this area of Sweden. Some of my books have been sent to the Mormon library in Salt Lake City, and to a Swedish museum in Minnesota.

You don't have to worry about the price - take a look at my price chart - it's more than moderate.

There are already about 500,000 names of relatives and other people in my archives, but I will gladly add your relatives to my computer files - if they are not already there!

I'm from Mangskog in Värmland, and most of my ancestors lived in this district. In 1865 there were about 2 500 people living in Mangskog. During the next 60 years 1 350 of the inhabitants moved to the USA...



ancestor at mangskog.se (print @ instead of at)
Slobyn Lyckan


Mangskog Books of Births/Marriages /Deaths

Mangskog Court Records 17th century

Prices of research

My ancestrial chart

Names in my books


(Swedish graves, in Swedish only)